

3rd Training Workshop for teachers - "In Medias ReStart" Project – Mali Lošinj, May 16 - 17, 2018.

3rd Training Workshop for teachers -

Within the project "In Medias ReStart - integrative approach to teaching media, digital, reading, science, multilingual and multicultural literacy ", co-financed by European Union Funds from the European Social Fund, training of educational staff participating in the project was held on "Reading and multilinugual literacy ".

This third educational training was held in Mali Lošinj, in „Aurora“ hotel, on beautiful island of Mali Lošinj, May 16 and 17, and lectures and workshops were attended by  twenty teachers from three educational institutions participating in the project: Matija Gubec Primary School from Zagreb as a holder of the project and partners - Mario Martinolić Elementary School from Mali Lošinj and the Marko Marulić Secondary School, Slatina.

As the aim of the project is to develop extracurricular activities that integrate teaching in the field of multiple types of literacy, we learned from our educators about reading and multilingual literacy.

The topics were:

Teaching multilingual communication competencies; Teaching intercultural communication competencies,

Understanding the text; Developing reading skills,

Language activities in primary and secondary education;

Reading in the elementary and secondary school curricula;

Teaching reading with comprehension;

Reading and Orthography.

The acquired information, knowledge and skills that the educators brought to us in an extremely interesting and professional way will be applied in further elaboration of the project goals.

In between the lectures, we also visited and enjoyed the famous Apoxyomenos Museum, dedicated to a bronze statue of a young athlete Apoxyomenos found in the sea near island of Veli Orjul near Losinj, which is more than 2000 years old.

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